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Unable to login Typo3 admin after migration

Recently I had a chance to work with Typo3. Typo3 a CMS, which is similar to other Open Source CMS such as Joomla, Drupal, Word Press etc...

When you are comparing with other CMS types, there are pros and cons always there for any type of products. For me Typo3 looks more advance and complicated comparing to other CMS types.

Recently I was been migrating Typo3 from Live server to Dev server, after migrating Typo3, it worked fine without any errors. Only issue I had was, unable to log in to Typo3 admin section. After a long struggle, I found a solution, which posted on a website.

However, the solution given over there was not compatible with the current version of MYSQL I had, which is you have to replace the current variable in my.ini file as "sql_mode=MYSQL40", where I was unable to find "SQL_MODE" instead able to find "SQL-MODE".

The particular line for "sql-mode" was stated as "# Set the SQL mode to strict
sql-mode="STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION"". In addition, I did not add the sql-mode="MYSQL40" than I have commented existing line

Yes, it worked like charming and now I am able to log in to Typo3 admin without any problems.

I hope it helped some one else also with the similar issue. Good Luck. :)

